Cross stitch beanie Crochet Pattern



To be able to understand and make this beanie, you need to be familiar with the cross stitch and how to make a circle, a link to the video tutorials on both is below.

The beanie is worked with a single crochet first and the following round in a cross stitch, the increase of the rounds to make the beanie flat at first is only done on the single crochet round, for the cross-stitch round is the same throughout the work, no increase or decrease.

The width is explained below, like for small size you would stop flattening the circle at round 15 for the medium and large size you will add 1 and 2 rounds of flat circle accordingly to each size.

PDF Pattern


Kartopu cotton yarn or similar

crochet hook: 4 mm

4 mm crochet hook


19/25 cm

Video link


Ch: chain

St: stitch

Sl st: slip stitch

Sc: single crochet

Sk: skip

Dc: double crochet

Cross stitch: sk on stitch, make 1 dc in the next 2 st, yarn over, come back in front of the 2 dc and insert the hook at the back of the sk st and work double crochet.

Written pattern

ch2, 2 sc in the 2nd ch from the hook, join

Round 1:  ch1, 2 sc in every st. join

Round 2: ch2, sk the 1st st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, yarn over, come back to the first sk st and work a dc (cross st made), sk 1 st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, 1 back dc in the sk st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join

Round 3: ch1, 2 sc in every st

Round 4: ch2, sk the 1st st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, yarn over, come back to the first sk st and work a dc (cross st made), sk 1 st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, 1 back dc in the sk st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join

Round 5: ch1, 2sc in the 2st st, 1 sc in the next st, repeat (2sc in the next st, 1 sc in the next st) till the end of the round, join

Round 6: ch2, sk the 1st st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, yarn over, come back to the first sk st and work a dc (cross st made), sk 1 st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, 1 back dc in the sk st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join

Round 7: ch1, 2sc in the 2st st, 1 sc in the next 2st, repeat (2sc in the next st, 1 sc in the next 2st) till the end of the round, join

Round 8: ch2, sk the 1st st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, yarn over, come back to the first sk st and work a dc (cross st made), sk 1 st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, 1 back dc in the sk st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join

Round 9: ch1, 2sc in the 2st st, 1 sc in the next 3st, repeat (2sc in the next st, 1 sc in the next 3st) till the end of the round, join

Round 10: ch2, sk the 1st st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, yarn over, come back to the first sk st and work a dc (cross st made), sk 1 st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, 1 back dc in the sk st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join

Round 11: ch1, 2sc in the 2st st, 1 sc in the next 4st, repeat (2sc in the next st, 1 sc in the next 4st) till the end of the round, join

Round 12: ch2, sk the 1st st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, yarn over, come back to the first sk st and work a dc (cross st made), sk 1 st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, 1 back dc in the sk st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join

Round 13: ch1, sc in every st, join

Round 14: ch2, sk the 1st st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, yarn over, come back to the first sk st and work a dc (cross st made), sk 1 st, 1 dc in the next 2 st, 1 back dc in the sk st, repeat the same till the end of the round, join.

Alternate between round 13 and 14 till round 26.

Till round 12 is size small, for medium size continue with round 13 as and increase means

Round 13: ch1, 2 sc in the 1st st, 1 sc in the next 5 st, repeat.

For large size

Round 13 and 15 are increase:

round 15: ch1, 2 sc in the 1st st, 1 sc in the next 6 st.

and afterwards you work in rounding the beanie means round 13 and 14 from the initial pattern.


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